Still couch-ridden in my 9th month of pregnancy, I decided to knit a baby cardigan out of the gorgeous skein of rainbow handspun yarn my aunt Erika made for me.

The pattern I picked was “In Threes”, by Kelly Herdrich on Ravelry.

I’d never knit a sweater before — I’d always lost interest before I got very far — but I had confidence that this one would be different because it was so small and the yarn was so special. Plus I had a very firm deadline and I wasn’t sure when it would arrive! Talk about motivation.

I ended up finishing the sweater in about a day and a half. (I’m a pretty slow knitter, truth be told.)

Turns out I didn’t have quite enough yarn, so I had to pick another yarn to finish the last few rows with. I ended up choosing the fucshia-purple on the left in the photo above.

I finished it off with three mother-of-pearl buttons — it was the only thing I could think of that would truly match the yarn!

It’s still pretty big on my baby but she’ll grow into it soon. I can’t wait!